
Flood Your Car? Get Your Insurance Claim Approved


Flood Your Car? Get Your Insurance Claim Approved

Share this article – No There will be flood disasters that have occurred frequently in recent times, therefore anticipation must be carried out. For cars, you usually rely on insurance. But does insurance protect your car from flooding?

As we know, floods are occurring more frequently in various parts of the world. Just a few months ago, even European regions such as Germany and Belgium were impacted by floods. More recently, Saudi Arabia also experienced severe flooding.

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“It is important to choose car insurance that offers comprehensive flood coverage. This should cover damage to your car, the cost of restoration, and the cost of hiring a replacement car,” said Anne-Sophie Cochetel, Director of Insurance Europe.

It turns out, it’s possible for a car submerged in a flood to be covered by insurance. However, it should be noted that not all insured cars can claim losses due to flooding.

However, it is not enough for car owners to just rely on standard protection packages. Currently, several insurance services provide extended insurance packages that can specifically protect cars from natural disasters, including floods.

“Make sure the car has extended coverage for floods or other natural disasters, such as typhoons, and tsunamis. Because if it’s standard, it’s not covered,” said Senior VP of Communication and Service Management at Garda Oto, Laurentius Iwan Pranoto.

Apart from that, you also need to pay attention, even though your car is covered by extended flood insurance, if you deliberately drive it into a flood, it certainly won’t be covered by insurance.

So if you already have it covered, the thing is, if the car is submerged in a flood, the owner doesn’t need to pretend to be a mechanic, otherwise it will only get worse. Just claim insurance and the car will be evacuated to the repair shop.

The importance of having car insurance

You’ve probably heard how important it is to have car insurance. Not only as a legal requirement but also as financial protection when driving is full of risks.

Having vehicle protection can protect your investment and provide peace of mind when driving on the road. Therefore, you need to understand the various types of car insurance.

In addition, consider factors such as coverage and premiums to make an intelligent decision to protect your vehicle.

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Car insurance is your financial hedge on unexpected highways. Just imagine, if you were involved in an accident that caused serious losses, repair costs could be very high and make you lose your savings in an instant.

By having good car insurance, you don’t need to worry about unexpected costs. Apart from that, insurance also protects you if your car is stolen or damaged due to natural disasters.

“Consider choosing a car insurance with an ‘all-risks’ clause. This provides broader protection, including damage caused by flooding,” said Thomas Gierl, Head of Motor Insurance at Allianz Germany.

What are the Types of Car Insurance

There are two types of car insurance that people generally choose. However, if you don’t know yet, we have summarized several types of protection.

All Risk Car Insurance

One popular type of car insurance is Risk car insurance. As the name suggests, all risk insurance is a type of protection that protects against various risks, ranging from accidents, and theft, to damage due to natural disasters.

Even though the premium you have to pay may be higher compared to other types of insurance, the broad protection coverage makes all-risk insurance a good choice for car owners who want to have complete peace of mind.

TLO Insurance

Total Loss Only (TLO) insurance is a type of car insurance that protects against total loss. This means that if your car suffers extensive damage or is stolen, you will be compensated for the market value of the car.

Even though the protection coverage is not as complete as all Risk car insurance, TLO is still a good choice for those who want protection against major risks without having to pay too high premiums.

Difference Between All Risk and TLO

Although both risk and TLO protect against certain risks, there are fundamental differences between the two. One of them is protection coverage.

If All Risk provides broader protection, including protection against damage due to accidents or theft. Meanwhile, TLO only provides protection benefits with a value of 75% of the losses experienced or in other words only for total losses.

Apart from that, the premium that must be paid can also be a determining factor. Even though all-risk car insurance premiums tend to be more expensive than TLO, the wider protection coverage is commensurate with the value spent.

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Types of Car Insurance Coverage Extensions

In simple terms, expanding car insurance coverage is an addition to insurance protection (rider). This addition completes protection against risks that are not yet covered by main car insurance. 

Car insurance guarantees compensation for car damage if it is only caused by a traffic accident (dents or scratches on the car), crime, or other people’s crime, fire, and loss or theft. Apart from that, you need to add additional car insurance. 

The following are the types of car insurance extensions that you can choose.

Floods include Hurricanes

This type of extended car insurance will cover the risks of loss caused by natural disasters. The types of natural disasters covered are:

  • Flood.
  • Storm.
  • Hail.
  • Landslide.
  • Hurricane.

Earthquake and Tsunami

This expansion of car insurance also covers risks caused by natural disasters, such as:

  • Earthquake.
  • Tsunami.
  • Volcanic eruptions.

Riots and Riots (SRCC)

This expansion of car insurance coverage will cover losses caused by:

  • Riots, strikes, obstruction of work, crime and brawls.
  • Hair-sin.
  • The rise of the people without the use of firearms.
  • Revolution without the use of firearms.
  • Precautions regarding the risks mentioned.
  • Looting during riots or riots.

Terrorism and Sabotage

This type is a more complete expansion of riots or riots because it also involves protection against treason, terrorism, and also sabotage. 

Legal Responsibility towards Third Parties

This expansion will guarantee losses to third parties. The types of expansion of legal responsibility towards third parties (TJH III) are divided into two types, namely:

  1. Legal responsibility towards third parties (passenger vehicles and motorbikes).
  2. Legal responsibility towards third parties (commercial vehicles, trucks, and buses). 

Personal Accident for Passengers

This type of protection extends the risk of accidents to the driver and car passengers. The following is the coverage and compensation guarantee.

  • Bodily injury or death

Death, loss of the entire function of vision in both eyes forever, loss of the function of both hands or both legs or one hand and one leg forever. Also Loss of function of one arm or leg, along with loss of all vision in one eye forever.

  • Care and treatment costs

The cost of care or treatment for bodily injuries to the driver and/or passenger is a maximum of 10% of the liability limit of the insurer or insurance company for the expansion of personal accident coverage. 

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Legal Responsibility towards Passengers

This expansion is an additional guarantee of risk protection against possible claims for losses arising under the law against passengers in the insured car. 

Extended guarantees are provided in the event of the risk of death, bodily injury, maintenance costs, and also loss of property carried by passengers during an accident. 

However, there are exceptions to this guarantee, such as:

  • Husband or wife, children, parents, and siblings of the registered insured.
  • Persons ordered by the insured, working for the insured, persons with permission or knowledge of the insured (example: babysitter).
  • People who live with the insured.
  • Management, shareholders, commissioners, or employees, if the insured is a company.

How to claim flooded car insurance:

So that our insurance claim is approved by the insurance company, here are tips for claiming a flooded car insurance quote from Auto2000:

1. Contact the insurance company 

The first thing to do is contact the insurance company. The quicker you coordinate with the insurance company, the quicker the handling will be. Maximum 3×24 hours to make an insurance claim. 

So contacting the insurance company can also be done as a preventive measure, for example when a car is stuck in a flood. 

In this condition, the insurance company may have a service for pick-up or assistance in getting through flooded roads, such as towing or other things.  

2. Prepare evidence 

You need to carry out this documentation, which will be proof that the damage or loss was not planned, or in the case of flooding, it does not indicate that we forced our way through the flood.  

If it is related to an accident, usually the evidence attached is photos of the parts of the vehicle that were damaged. Meanwhile, for loss, you can use CCTV. 

3. Explain the chronology  

You can clearly and in detail explain the chronology of events, which resulted in the car being damaged. 

Explain calmly and don’t make it complicated, to make it easier for the insurance company to understand. 

4. Complete the insurance claim requirements 

And what is important to do is complete the insurance claim requirements. Starting from the insurance policy, driver’s license, vehicle registration, and chronological notes that have been made. 

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